Friday, September 10, 2010

Whirly's 5 Tips to Kill a Tank(L4D)

   You're the last guy left.Bill,Zoey and Louis have been wiped out.You're nearing the saferoom and you feel invincible.You have not been incapped once,you still have 87 health,a health pack,pills and your primary weapon is filled with ammo.

   As you're nearing the saferoom,you suddenly hear Francis shout,"TANK!"A gigantic thing resembling The Hulk jumps down from a building and hurls a rock at you.Ducking,you head off,shooting all the way.

   The Tank manages to somehow swat a car at you and you get hit,instantly incapped.You can't help but think you have died,so close but so far away.Your teammates curse your incompetence while you stare at the screen,dumbfounded.

   Want to avoid said confrontations?Simple,Mr. Whirly has 5 tips on helping you murder those steroid-insane nutheads.

Basic Info-
Abilities=Inhuman strength and endurance
Attacks=Punching,throwing concrete slabs,punching heavy obejcts such as cars

After looking at the above table,you're probably hoping you don't see one of these nutheads in the near future.But meet them you will.Be warned that puncing heavy objects,such as cars on Survivors cause an instant incap,no matter what.

[u]1.Get above 50 HP![/u]
Above 50 HP is the magical number needed to outrun a Tank.Anyone below 50 HP has a snowball in hell's chance of surviving the Tank attack.Tanks don't just pop up unannounced,there will be a melodramatic theme along with vibrations and large footsteps.Also,the AI will shout,"TANK!".Quickly heal teammates who are below 50 HP or at least throw them a bottle of pills.

If you're not the helpful kind,well think of it like this,one more Survivor means one more bait before the Tank gets you.

[u]2.Distract the Tank![/u]
When the Tank is pummeling someone,head behind his back and melee him.It will attract his attention and chase you instead.Now,you're thinking,"Why the hell would I do that?"Answer is simple,one less teammate means your survival chance just got a whole lot smaller.

As an extra note,Tanks will always go for the guys on mounted miniguns no matter what.You can use this to your advantage whenever one is near and the Tank is murdering your teammates.Stand on the minigun and let that ugly freak have it in the face before stepping off quickly as it closes in.Also,Tanks will go for the person who is nearest to it and is shooting at it.

[u]3.You can't run and you can't hide.[/u]
So,there's this Tank you spotted(Tanks spawn before they're revealed) and you decide,"Hey!Maybe I can run away!"Or,you find a dark corner and decide to turn off your flashlights and hope the Tank can't find you in the dark.Guess what?Doing the above will just turn you into zombie sashimi.

How do I know this you ask?Guess what?I have personally tried all these tactics in single person mode and have FAILED each and every single time and even the Left 4 Dead Wiki says so.If you don't want to take my advise,go ahead and hide,don't come back and whine to me when you get flattened.

[u]4.Grenades are your pals.[/u]
Yep,grenades are an effective way to take out a Tank.Propane tanks and oxygen tanks,when shot just when the Tank passes will stun it for a while,allowing you to run or continue firing.Pipe bombs have a similar effect.

Molotovs and gas cans are situational.If you're already below 50 HP and has a big,fat Tank on your back,throwing a Molotov only makes it run faster.Still,if you're in decent health and can stand a decent chance,throwing a Molotov will be the simplest way to kill the Tank.It takes a Tank 40 seconds to die from fire in Expert regardless of health.

[u]5.Closing doors are polite but won't save your life!Fighting dirty isn't polite but will save your life![/u]
Yes,closing doors work well on those foolish braindead Infected but Tanks and while I'm at it,Witches are a different story.They'll simply swat away the door like you would swat away dust from your suit.

Exploiting the Tank's mechanisms however,will save you.For example,a Tank always sticks on the target it chooses until it's dead.On certain levels,like No Mercy's Rooftop Finale,it is possible to lure the Tank to its death.Simply incap yourself on the ledge if you're the target and the Tank will(hopefully) drop to a 30 storey death.However,this should only be a last ditch effort.

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