Monday, September 6, 2010

Edu Pyro-Episode 1:The Beginning

"Say there boyo!Why ya dawdling here in the middle of nowhere?Aren't ya supposed to be
playin' some Team Fortress 2 instead?"

"Well,I would but I can't play Pyro.All my friends laugh at me.It makes me so mad!Perhaps,
I should go back to playing Modern Warfare 2 where I can kill everybody on the map with
a button."

"Pyro?Don't worry 'ere,Mr. Whirly here's been mainin' Pyro and manages ter top the scoreboards as 'im or 'er on a few occasions."

"Wow!Can you teach me Mr. Whirly sir?But..why do you call Pyro "him or her"?"

"Well....Pyro's gender ain't confirmed so some people think 'is a lass,we'll call 'im he for the sake of this guide.An' sure I'll teach ya!"

Introduction to Pyro
-Pyro is a crazed sociopathic,pyrophobic(along with a list of other mental illnesses) arsonist in Team Fortress 2.
-Designated to be King of Close Quarters Combat(CQC),therefore this is where he excels.
-Nothing is sure about the Pyro,other than loving fire.Therefore,some calls Pyro a "her".
-Pyro's hats are the best,I gurantee you won't be dissapointed with any of them.
-Sadly,Pyro is only used in pubs and never used in competitive leagues(Who gives a damn about competitive leagues anyway?)
 Default Weapons=Flamethrower,Shotgun,Fire Axe
Unlockable Weapons=Backburner,Flare Gun,Axtinguisher,Homewrecker

As you can see,Pyro has a pretty decent health pool and able to catch up with most classes,losing only to Scout and Medic,which is pretty good considering you'll need to outrun that huge,fat Russian Heavy or else you'd be dead before you can say,"Sandvich!"

How to Play Pyro-Basic Strategy
We all want Pyro to be some sort of Heavy with a great flamethrower but sadly,reality has other plans.Pyros have to rely on ambushing and circle-strafing to win.

"Sir?What is this circle-strafing you speak of?" is the art of continuously attacking while circling the opponent.By doing this,you're confusing the enemy and making it harder for him to hit you.Similarly,know when to retreat,you're not Neo,you can't dodge bullets that run on the speed of light.Be under no delusions,Pyro is one of the hardest classes to top the scoreboard.You need to be smart,pick targets you can kill.Circle-strafe and attack from their blind spots,retreat when neccecary,do NOT play the hero.

Also,your flamethrower range is horrendously short(seriously Valve,fix it).Fire your secondary at enemies first before reaching flamethrower range(FT range is just pretty similar to melee weapon range) and spraying.When retreating,discourage your enemies from chasing you and deal extra damage by firing your secondary.

Example of a Bad Pyro
We've covered basic Pyro gameplay on the above section so we'll be moving to an example of an incompetent Pyro.Pyros such as these are often coined "W+M1 noobs" although many use it just as an offensive term to Pyros in general.

As the name suggests,W+M1 Pyros will often just start pressing down M1 on their flamethrower and charging in a straight line.Even though the range is the length of the bridge on 2fort matters nothing to them,they're even more worthless than suicide bombers,at least THEY do damage whereas your just a free frag for the opposition.

"Well!That's it for now.Practice on yer Pyro for the time being.We'll continue on the next episode on EduPyro."

"Jeez,thanks Mister!I'm sure as hell gonna dominate them!"

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