Friday, September 10, 2010

Whirly's 5 Tips to Kill a Tank(L4D)

   You're the last guy left.Bill,Zoey and Louis have been wiped out.You're nearing the saferoom and you feel invincible.You have not been incapped once,you still have 87 health,a health pack,pills and your primary weapon is filled with ammo.

   As you're nearing the saferoom,you suddenly hear Francis shout,"TANK!"A gigantic thing resembling The Hulk jumps down from a building and hurls a rock at you.Ducking,you head off,shooting all the way.

   The Tank manages to somehow swat a car at you and you get hit,instantly incapped.You can't help but think you have died,so close but so far away.Your teammates curse your incompetence while you stare at the screen,dumbfounded.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Edu Pyro-Episode 1:The Beginning

"Say there boyo!Why ya dawdling here in the middle of nowhere?Aren't ya supposed to be
playin' some Team Fortress 2 instead?"

"Well,I would but I can't play Pyro.All my friends laugh at me.It makes me so mad!Perhaps,
I should go back to playing Modern Warfare 2 where I can kill everybody on the map with
a button."

"Pyro?Don't worry 'ere,Mr. Whirly here's been mainin' Pyro and manages ter top the scoreboards as 'im or 'er on a few occasions."

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Whirly's 5 Tips for Smoker

You watch helplessly as your pushed back by Bill,that annoying old man who just won't die and your faced gets pumped with a buckshot for the umpteenth time.Smashing your hand on the computer,you quit the game and went to play Modern Warfare 2 AGAIN,you cheap freak!

Once again,Mr Whirly will help you by teaching you a few tips and tricks to help you manage your Smoker gameplay a whole lot better than the crappy damage you're currently doing.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Norwehn and I declared leaders

Hi guys,I hope you've been having a dandy time,finding all sorts of rare hats and what not.Well if not,keep trying!You'll find one eventually!

 So Jack has to be MIA for awhile and deal with his real life(the kid needs a break) for a time length that's estimated by his awesome IQ-packed brain to be at least a month.Norwehn and I have been given the title of leaders in his stead for the time being.So...yeah...hi guys,so this is my first time being an instrumental leader in a significant administrative organizational body.(Big words huh?)

Now,you're probably asking,"Why the hell are you a mod if this is your first time?"Answer?*Points finger at Jack*,he made me do it.Send all your hate mail to him.So..yeah,I'll try my best to help this clan and not screw up but I'm only human so...yeah..don't go all,"OMG U SUX U N00B U SHULD STICK UR FACE WHERE THE SUN DON SHINE!!!1".If I screw up,I will openly apologize to all of you and there will be no need of ripping my head into too many pieces to count.

Anyway,so...this is it.Give me your support,like be more active and you know,show some response to me so I'll actually get that whether you like my ideas or not.It's OK,we're democratic.This isn't a republic,freedom of speech is a human right.


The Blog's Official

Greetings everyone!I hope your having a dandy time dominating people on 2fort or dustbowl servers.If not,try harder!You'll get it sooner or later!

Anyway,so after a long period of confusion with Jack and a long discussion thing,Jack finally confirmed this blog was official(it was originally intended to be so until Jack went and made his own site) but he finally gave in and made this blog official too.

If you're wondering:"Hey?Why can't I just go to or our Steam Official ID page instead?'s the thing,most of the guides here are on here and on here ONLY 'cos it'll clog up the Steam Official ID page's announcements and I don't focus on Jack's website that much.Also,you'll find whatever announcements up there here again in case you miss it.

That's...well...pretty much it.