Friday, August 27, 2010

Whirly's 5 Tips to Helping Out Your Medic

You’re on your last legs here. With only 15 hp and your minigun almost exhausted of ammo, you think about just pressing the key you binded “explode” with and just be done with it. However, you suddenly see your health bar rising and hope fills in you again. The miraculous Medic has once again saved you from a certain death/suicide.

Yet, your teammates constant bickering forces the Medic to overload from pressure and switch classes to Soldier. You find yourself in the same scenario again , this time you call for Medic, again and again and again before remembering, you don’t HAVE a Medic ‘cos he changed classes when you and your teammates were treating him like a mobile dispenser!
You’re blasted into a million gibs by a Demoman and you curse your teammates for forcing the Medic to change class. How to prevent your Medic by rage class switching? These 5 tips will help you with that exactly.


Yes, Z+2 lets you say a “Thanks!” for that helpful Medic. A “Thanks!” goes a long way, essential for Medics to continue playing instead of switching classes. No seriously, thanking someone is a morale booster and helps them play for much longer.

2. Spare them the health kits!
That Medic that’s healing you, he can’t heal himself you know? Sure he has a passive regeneration but that’s not going to save him when a crocket gets fired at him while his at 50 hp is it? Spare them the health kits already! His healing you, his effectively your personal health pack! If your not gonna spare him the pack, then just cover him while his passive regen fills up his health. It’s not hard.

Just because his a Medic doesn’t mean his God. Just because you’ve got one healing you doesn’t mean you can go in a nest of sentries, Pyros , Heavies and God knows what else and get away scot-free. So don’t rage on the Medic when you die , rage at yourself for being foolish enough to die. It’s a game, get a  break , jeez.

4. Stop spamming “MEDIC!” if you are overhealed.
Seriously , there’s nothing more annoying then playing Medic, healing a bunch of people who got badly injured by some pro Soldier or Demoman and then getting one of those overhealed dummies spamming “MEDIC!” at you. It makes the Medic’s job a whole lot harder and frankly, your teammates are going to curse at you with a large variety of swear words obtained from all over the world and switch to the enemy specifically for targeting you.


Rocket jumping or sticky jumping is fine. A nice move in your bag of tricks to get to places other classes couldn’t access or just to move faster. I have nothing against it yet many a time have I healed a Soldier until my Ubercharge meter is almost full and just as we get to the front line, the Soldier rocket jumps away and I get shredded to pieces by Heavies. Oh GREAT WHAT A CONVINIENT TIME TO GET A HEIGHT ADVANTAGE YOU FOOL! Seriously, if you’re gonna rocket jump or sticky jump, then at least TELL us before doing it so we get a chance to heal someone else.

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