Saturday, August 28, 2010

Whirly's 5 Tips to Live Longer in TF2

You smash your fist on the table in frustration as you see that Pyro who dominated you AGAIN taunted in your killcam.Great,another domination added to the five other blokes who dominated me,you thought.You press the "Disconnect" button and go play Modern Warfare 2 instead you cheap freak.

Mr. Whirly here is gonna teach you how to increase your life expectancy a little much longer so you don't die in real life over a heart attack or high blood pressure or whatever.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Whirly's 5 Tips to Up Your Spy

You have painstakingly avoided bumping into any enemy REDs. You have successfully entered their base and start to move up to their sniper decks. Without a second thought, you gleefully uncloak and click on the backstab button.ZAP! You’re stunned! What the-?! Turns out that Sniper has a Razorback and you’re stunned for now. Just your luck that Pyro had to choose that time to come in and kick your French butt.
Tired of getting repeatedly killed as Spy? Well! Look no longer, Mr. Whirly here’s gonna teach you 5 tips on making your Spy experience THAT much better.

Jack got His Stuff Stolen!

Greetings all!I hope you have been sucessfully dominating noob Spies on 2fort or dustbowl servers but if you haven't...keep working on it!
This has been posted on our Steam group page but for those who missed it,here it is again.Jack,our admin got his stuff stolen.Including those stuff are a computer,his laptop and several iPhones(he has more than one,that lucky git..)So,yeah his basically cut off from the entire Internet.His working on getting the new computers but for now,his considered MIA(Missing In Action)

That is all.

Whirly's 5 Tips to Helping Out Your Medic

You’re on your last legs here. With only 15 hp and your minigun almost exhausted of ammo, you think about just pressing the key you binded “explode” with and just be done with it. However, you suddenly see your health bar rising and hope fills in you again. The miraculous Medic has once again saved you from a certain death/suicide.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

TBT's Official Website!

Jack Inferno,our admin,has sucessfully made an official website for our clan.The official TBT forums can also be located there.The link for this website is:

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Welcome to The Blood Thirsty's Blog's First Post!

On the 21st of August,2010,The Blood Thirsty's official blog was formed. I am Whirly,moderator of The Blood Thirsty and this is the blog where we will place important changes in:
4.Alien Swarm